Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee held a very successful event on the 3rd December 2014 for White Ribbon Day. The event was a business breakfast and was organised in partnership with Camden Police LAC, Camden Council and Wollondilly Council. The aim of the Business Breakfast was to discuss Domestic Violence and the impact on businesses with their employees who may be dealing with the issue. USB’s were given to all attending which have a significant amount of information that could be used by businesses to assist staff.
There were 300 people in attendance and a number of VIP’s attended including : The Hon. Stuart Ayers, The Hon. Victor Dominello, The Hon. Jai Rowell, Mr Chris Patterson, NSW Police Commissioner Mr Andrew Scipione, Acting Deputy Commissioner Jeff Loy, Assistant Commissioner Mr Mark Murdoch, Assistant Commissioner (Sth West) Frank Mennilli, Supt. Ward Hanson, Councillor Lara Symkowiak, Councillor Col Mitchell, Camden & Wollondilly Councillors, Magistrate Mary Ryan and Mr. Liam Dooley from the White Ribbon Organisation. A number of the VIP’s spoke about the issue of Domestic Violence.
A video was shown of Daniel Geale – World Champion Boxer. He spoke very clearly on the issue and we were very grateful of the time he gave to do this in the middle of a boxing competition.
A very moving talk was given by Ms. Kelly Parker – the impact from her talk was profound and the feedback from that was incredible. We sincerely thank Ms. Kelly Parker for sharing her tragic story and really bringing home the issue of Domestic Violence.
The Business Breakfast was a resounding success and as a result we have had several businesses make enquiries and are in the process of developing policies or protocols for female staff members who may be going through issues of Domestic Violence. We have also had very positive feedback on the USB’s that were distributed.
Photos of the event are also shown with this link.