Camden & District Netball Association

On Saturday 17th August 2019 the Camden & District Netball Association supported the Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee by raising awareness of Domestic Violence. They committed to donating proceeds from their day to the Committee – to the tune of $4000! This money will significantly impact on the DV Committee’s capacity to deliver awareness within the community. We would also like to acknowledge other donations made on the day :

  • Family Focus Legal;
  • Bringelly Netball Club

We look forward to promoting what the money will go towards in the near future. We are very proud of the fantastic support of the Camden & District Netball Association and the community at large around saying NO to Domestic Violence.

We also acknowledge the announcement today by Andrew Valciukas from First National Real Estate Collective that for every house sold between now and December he will donate $250 to the DV Committee. Fantastic support locally – thank you so much!

Photos of this fantastic day …